Friday, April 7, 2017

Good things that are going good in my project is being able to take better pictures. The hardest thing about photography is getting good lighting and where the best angel to take a picture sometimes. After using websites and learning to try and get good angles i felt pretty good being able to take pretty good pictures. One skill i learned is that even if your dealing with a wedding or photo shoot is time management, this could help with the future because if that's one thing i would want to do when i'm older i would have to move in an efficient manner.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

This weekend my friend and i went downtown and i got to take a couple pictures and i thought this was a cute one i took!!

i like to take pictures at the fields because the sun is really pretty

Sunday, March 26, 2017

sorry about my foot i was trying to take a picture of the sky!!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

I've been meaning to copy some photo's but keep forgetting, but i have been reaching my goal learning how to take pictures. My new goal for this project is to take more pictures and post, but to also try and get a little more help from people I've been working with my mom so far so i want to try and find some others to talk to about helping. Some of the difficulties with taking photo'ts is sometimes the lighting and its kinda hard making it good lighting when there isn't much.